Posts tagged "cech"


Words & pictures by Cello. At last some schnee came down. But we must climb to reach it. That's what we did on sunday January 18th. In Poira di Mello there should be a nice single track but we missed it (Saverio: "Follow me, I know a nicer trail...). Fail. /// Alla fine un po' di neve è scesa. Ma dobbiamo salire per beccarla. E' quello che abbiamo fatto domenica 18 gennaio....

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Slippery when wet

Words & pictures by Cello Thank you so much Mr. Jon Bon Jovi for having inspired me the title for this reportage! But it really depicts our true mountain biking skills on wet grounds: below zero. Two days of rain. Each ridden with a different comrade. Small climbs here in the surroundings just not to get overwhelmed by the seasonal depression that is always 'round the corner...   Saturday - San Giuliano...

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Full moon, dirty hearts

Pictures by Cello

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Pictures by Cello

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