4 postsWords by Ila / Pictures by Ila, Pagha & Clava Best ideas (or worst, it depends on your point of view) comes to me unexpectedly. When I share them with friends they contribute to improve them (or worsen, it depends on your point of view). So one day, while I was thinking about my next 33th birthday, I decided to celebrate it with a 333 km bike ride. Clava, our “Nostromo”...
Words by Lo-Fi Boi / Pictures by Alexei "Lone Wolf" Popov It’s 6/6 and the italian fixed gear scene gives us a lot of superlative events, but we are assholes so me and Alexei a.k.a. Lone Wolf decide to do a very asshole thing: Bologna – Roma on fixed gear bikes. I think it is not too much for me to do 420 km, so I decide to shit out of...
Words by Clava / Pictures by Cello La notte più lunga è stata lunga quanto basta: siamo partiti che era già cominciata e siamo tornati che non era ancora finita... Vi è mai capitato di camminare in una stanza al buio tendendo le mani in avanti in attesa di arrivare a toccare il muro? Sai che poco spazio ti divide da esso, solo pochi metri, ma il momento del contatto sembra non arrivare...
Words by Alexei "Lone Wolf" Popov / Preface by Cello / Pictures by Cello & Pagha Preface. It’s truly bizarre, but every time Mr. John Watson asks me to post some stuff on his website it is always something that has to do with failure. Yes, FAILURE. Failing is part of our everyday experience (I think I fail every single day, in one way or another) but it’s a term...