5 postsWords by Visconte Cobram / Pictures by Cello Canifornia /// Calisciolti A Gennajo dovevo andare in California per aiutare un amico a fare dei minidocumentari. Siccome dopo questo "lavoro" avevo 2 settimane libere ho costretto Cello a raggiungermi. Lui che e' montanaro voleva a tutti i costi vedere il deserto e così siamo andati a fare un giretto di qualche giorno. Eravamo ospiti da amici a Palos Verdes, poco sotto Compton, LA. Abbiamo...
Follow4follow the protagonistz: Cello, Clava, Fisto, Cobram C’è un buco nel treno riempito di neon e aglianico rosso. C'è un buco anche nel culo del Clava che sarebbe il caso di chiudere. La testa pesante di vite rossa e crollare tra i fogli gialli del vangelo. I Peloritani vivono di boschi d’ansia e pareti nere. “Non ci arriverete mai” - come sempre. Sotto la porta dell’orso: dmt...
Words & pictures by Cello La notte delle Seghe fa una paura. Fottuta. A tutti. Per questo prendi su e cerchi di fuggire. Sulle montagne: "Magari non mi beccano, non c'è neanche la radio transistor". Ma poi cosa trovi? colori pazzi crocs di benvenuto tramonti sfumati ungulati sbranati dai lupi saputelli brianzoli flair Basta e avanza...
Words by Cello | Pictures by Cello, Clava, Fisto & Visconte Cobram LuCani Sciolti “There aren’t actually any hiking, trail or topographic maps about Basilicata, sir… You could try with the IGM’s maps but most of them date back to the ‘70s… ‘l m’ha dìc inscì ‘l me soci sü a la VEL. “Quindi ciccia!” - I replied. But l’internette and i compiuter have given us a huge amount...
Words by Visconte Cobram / Pictures by Visconte Cobram & Cello STOKED, SO STOKED, STOKE-O-METER, STOKE DROPPER. Ho un telefono nuovo che fa le foto belle, ho fatto un sacco di foto. Son diversi mesi che con Cello si dice di fare un giro insieme, ogni tanto ci proviamo, si apre una chat e si ragiona di tracciati ecc. Al Sabba dello Stirone Cello butta li l’idea di...
A history I made up - Words by Guido the enemies = natural elements the armoured car = a snowplow the bag’s contents = the secret of life “hey my friend, I need a man for a job this summer” “uhm ok JC, what’s the program?” “let’s have a sour and I’ll tell you all the details” Sour, sour means vodka and vodka means Zinc, the dear...
Words by Guido Casbah and OK Fede / Pictures by Cello & OK Fede Words by Guido Casbah I saw everything, I saw nothing. I saw thousands stars shining in a crystal clear sky, I saw animals and magic trees, memories of peoples passed by, martyrs, heroes, wayfarers and bandits. I saw them all but I haven’t seen none of them. We were nowhere, we were everywhere. We...
Words by Ok Fede / Pictures by Cello & Ok Fede Difference in height and dirt roads, why not? And why not on a touring bike, maybe with 28c city tires on? Proposals (invitations) must be accepted for what they are, without questioning, without reasoning; so when Cello told me about a few passes and valleys we would have crossed, I made a quick google search, saw they were amazing...
1. PREFACE: YOU CAN NOT GET OUT ALIVE FROM THE ‘90s (words by Clava) When I was young (my grandpa stories always started like this…) I attended the high school. It was during the 90s and I remember I had the habit to go up on my house attic rummaging and searching inside dusty closets looking for scrawny and shabby clothes that not even grandpa used anymore, not even to spade the...
Words & Pictures by LuLu NdE: What you're next to read is not written in native English, as you'll immediately guess. But we wanted to keep it like it is, because only in this way you can imagine what is hearing the story directly from our friend LuLu's voice. One morning I wake up. My brain start thinking what's different with italian and finnish peoples? I get a idea. Going by bike...