Posts tagged "snow"
Words by Cello | Pictures by Cello, Clava, Fisto & Visconte Cobram LuCani Sciolti “There aren’t actually any hiking, trail or topographic maps about Basilicata, sir… You could try with the IGM’s maps but most of them date back to the ‘70s… ‘l m’ha dìc inscì ‘l me soci sü a la VEL. “Quindi ciccia!” - I replied. But l’internette and i compiuter have given us a huge amount...
Words & pictures by Cello Che bello guardare i video sull'Internet dove tutti spaccano i culi senza intoppi, senza problemi, dove i sentieri e la vita sono sempre flooooooow. E poi noi Cani siamo così: innocenti, naif, ingenui, semplici, bellidemamma scesi dalle montagne; crediamo più o meno a tutto, dalle scie chimiche agli alieni fra di noi, da Donald Trump presidenteditutti agli hillbombers su vimeo. Allora ecco il Ciasciauna, un passo tra...
1. PREFACE: YOU CAN NOT GET OUT ALIVE FROM THE ‘90s (words by Clava) When I was young (my grandpa stories always started like this…) I attended the high school. It was during the 90s and I remember I had the habit to go up on my house attic rummaging and searching inside dusty closets looking for scrawny and shabby clothes that not even grandpa used anymore, not even to spade the...
Words by Cello / Pictures by Cello & Pagha E' primavera cazzo! E allora i Cani Sciolti salgono seguendo la linea di scioglimento delle nevi invernali: appena la neve libera un passo, appena una vallecola torna a fiorire, appena i ghiacci si ritirano dalle vette, i nostri amici/stronzoni sono lì a farci passare le gomme e i piedi. Raccogliere i redécc, fare la cacca tra i ginepri, incontrare camosci che ti tagliano la...
Words by Clava / Pictures by Clava, Pagha, Save & Cello March 8th 2015 While reading Cello’s message I remember that day on Maloja pass, sitting on a table in a dry aseptic place, I remember we were laughing at us, thinking about how derisive we were the day before while laying in front of a hot stove saying that, after climbing the Maloja, we should aim at the Bernina... "These guys are taking cycling bullshit to the next level shit!" (La Gazzetta dello Sport) Marchettone #3 Camera: Cello /// Canon 5D Mark II Editing: Cello Starring: Roberto “GigiSabani Ventoinfaccia Settebellezze UranUran” Contessa as The Hustler /// Clava as himself /// Cello as The Captain Music: Run D.M.C. / Hit 'em hard (Down with the king, 1993) /// Wham! / Last Christmas (1984) Thank you Kori Kohri! The Abimbola bike travel...
Words & pictures by Cello. At last some schnee came down. But we must climb to reach it. That's what we did on sunday January 18th. In Poira di Mello there should be a nice single track but we missed it (Saverio: "Follow me, I know a nicer trail...). Fail. /// Alla fine un po' di neve è scesa. Ma dobbiamo salire per beccarla. E' quello che abbiamo fatto domenica 18 gennaio....