Posts tagged "clava"

La notte delle seghe

Words & pictures by Cello La notte delle Seghe fa una paura. Fottuta. A tutti. Per questo prendi su e cerchi di fuggire. Sulle montagne: "Magari non mi beccano, non c'è neanche la radio transistor". Ma poi cosa trovi? colori pazzi crocs di benvenuto tramonti sfumati ungulati sbranati dai lupi saputelli brianzoli flair Basta e avanza...    

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Words by Cello | Pictures by Cello, Clava, Fisto & Visconte Cobram   LuCani Sciolti “There aren’t actually any hiking, trail or topographic maps about Basilicata, sir… You could try with the IGM’s maps but most of them date back to the ‘70s… ‘l m’ha dìc inscì ‘l me soci sü a la VEL. “Quindi ciccia!” - I replied. But l’internette and i compiuter have given us a huge amount...

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Words by Ila / Pictures by Ila, Pagha & Clava Best ideas (or worst, it depends on your point of view) comes to me unexpectedly. When I share them with friends they contribute to improve them (or worsen, it depends on your point of view). So one day, while I was thinking about my next 33th birthday, I decided to celebrate it with a 333 km bike ride. Clava, our “Nostromo”...

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Words by Ok Fede / Pictures by Cello & Ok Fede Difference in height and dirt roads, why not? And why not on a touring bike, maybe with 28c city tires on? Proposals (invitations) must be accepted for what they are, without questioning, without reasoning; so when Cello told me about a few passes and valleys we would have crossed, I made a quick google search, saw they were amazing...

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Mäuerchen Pass

1. PREFACE: YOU CAN NOT GET OUT ALIVE FROM THE ‘90s (words by Clava) When I was young (my grandpa stories always started like this…) I attended the high school. It was during the 90s and I remember I had the habit to go up on my house attic rummaging and searching inside dusty closets looking for scrawny and shabby clothes that not even grandpa used anymore, not even to spade the...

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Words by Clava / Pictures by Clava & Cello   Dopo aver spinto le nostre bici da viaggio fino ai piedi del passo del Muretto, dove un nevaio ci ha sbarrato la strada per Monaco, siamo tornati a casa. Passato un giorno trascorso a vagare tra le mura domestiche come persone sottoposte a TSO, ci siam chiesti: “Ma perché non andiamo da qualche parte a spingere anche le nostre MTB?...

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La Mala Vita

Words by Clava / Pictures by Clava & Ila E’ da un po che non vado a Bergamo. Uscito dalla stazione imbocco il viale e da subito incrocio ciclisti che si aggirano solitari con la mascella serrata e lo sguardo incazzato. Bah! non capisco… per quanto mi riguarda andare in bc è una cosa che mi rende felice (anche se bestemmio tantissimo mentre lo faccio). Mi incontro con Ilaria la...

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La Madonna di Civitavecchia

LA MADONNA DI CIVITAVECCHIA - Words by Cello / Pictures by Cello & Clava   [masterslider id="21"]   F: “What a bore with these bicycles! When will we have chicks and drugs?” C: “Am I wrong or Specialized makes stuff for roadies only?” It’s nice to be the captain of a collective that, when you tell them that maybe we’re into the seekandenjoy project (conceived by Yonder Journal and powered by Specialized) they...

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La neve piange

Words by Clava / Pictures by Clava, Pagha, Save & Cello March 8th 2015 While reading Cello’s message I remember that day on Maloja pass, sitting on a table in a dry aseptic place, I remember we were laughing at us, thinking about how derisive we were the day before while laying in front of a hot stove saying that, after climbing the Maloja, we should aim at the Bernina...

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The Map

Words & Pictures by Cello THIS-IS-A-MAP It's December 6th and we are in Lucca to race the 4th edition of the Serchio Country Race. Tomorrow. But today we are free and so: - "What about visiting Pisa?" - "Pisa Merda!" - "Yeah, right, always and forever! But what about riding there? We could ask Gori if he knows some prettyprettypretty road to get there..." And now il Babbo di Gori...

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